Best Data migration tools

In this article, we will consider the best Data migration tools and discuss the algorithm of how to move files from SSD to HDD.

What is Data migration?

In our daily life, moving information from one place to another is nothing more than a simple copy and paste operation. When it comes to migrating millions of units of data to a new system, things get much more complicated.

Migration is the process of moving applications, data, and other components hosted on servers within an organization to the cloud infrastructure. This process is not as easy as it might seem. It includes many preparatory and post-migration activities, including planning, backups, quality testing, and verification of results. Migration is completed only when the old system, database, or environment is shut down.

What drives companies to transfer their information assets?

Usually, the data transfer is part of a larger project such as

  • modernization or replacement of outdated software,
  • system and storage capacity expansion,
  • implementation of an additional system running in parallel with the existing application,
  • moving to a centralized database to eliminate data silos and ensure interoperability,
  • transfer of IT infrastructure to the cloud, or
  • mergers and acquisitions (M&A), when IT landscapes must be combined into a single system.

Modernization of technologies and abandonment of outdated systems is an inevitable component of modern business. This process also involves transferring all your data from one system to another. This is data migration.

Types of Data migration

Let’s define the migration types:

  • Transferring data from storage. The process of transferring data from existing arrays to more modern ones allows you to open access to other systems. Delivers significantly higher performance and cost-effective scaling, as well as expected data management features such as cloning, snapshot, backup, and disaster recovery.
  • Migration to the cloud. The process of moving data, applications, and other business elements from your own data center to the cloud, or from one cloud to another. In many cases, this process is accompanied by the transfer of data from the storage system.
  • Transferring applications. The process of porting applications from one environment to another. This could include moving an entire application from its own data center to the cloud, moving between clouds, or simply moving the underlying application data to a new forum hosted by the software vendor.

Migration to the cloud of IT infrastructure includes:

  • analysis of data models in the source and target systems;
  • identification of potential shortcomings and an indication of methods and ways to eliminate them;
  • analysis of existing data in terms of completeness, logical and physical consistency;
  • modeling of network structures in the target system;
  • transfer of test and production data;
  • launch of working infrastructure in the cloud.

Best Data migration tools 

The list of the most known Data migration services includes the following:

  • Azure Database Migration Service
  • AWS Database Migration Service
  • Search and Replace
  • UCloud
  • Migrate DB